Monday, November 14, 2016

I love thee, I love thee

November 14, 2015 - Eternity

A year ago today, my brother made a vow that would last a lifetime. He was blessed to marry his childhood sweetheart. Only at 14 years of age, they knew it was love at first sight. But how could one be so certain, so young? I guess when you know, you know. Love is funny that way. Sometimes, people find themselves searching and searching until one day, it smacks you in the face (figuratively speaking).
Short distance and long distance, their love prevailed for ten years before tying the knot. It is often rare to see relationships survive for so long given the circumstances. Some say that everyone needs time to find themselves before finding the right person. Well, this theory has been debunked! James and Dillon found themselves within each other. They not only grew up together but they grew in love. I have never met a more fitting couple, complementing each other in ways you would only see in the movies.

In June of 2014, my brother proposed in a garden memorialized for William Shakespeare; a true romantic! One of his poems recites,

I love thee, I love thee 
With a love that shall not die 
Til the sun grows cold
And the stars grow old.   

This quote will forever cause me to think of the love that my brother and, now, sister-in-law share...til the sun grows cold and the stars grow old. 

figuratively (adjective) - not real, symbolic
prevailed (verb) - to win or succeed
tying the knot (verb phrase) - to get married
debunked (verb) - to prove wrong
complementing (verb) - to add to or make complete
romantic (noun) - an expression of love
recites (verb) - to state

Vocabulary Exercise: Using the vocabulary above, complete the word search.

Grammar Point: Many poems often entail words that rhyme. Rhyming is usually indicated when word endings sound the same. For example, cold and old  sound the same. Therefore, they rhyme. Using this knowledge, think of 3 words that rhyme with love. 


  1. Rhyming is a great aspect of poetry to teach ELLs! It's a unique part of creative writing, which can help students express themselves in a unique way. I also like how you explained the definition of "tying the knot" a common American phrase to describe two people getting married. Great post!

  2. First of all, congratulations to your bother! This was an excellent blog and activity Ava. Poetry is an excellent way to engage students into an activity. It encourages students to get engaged with the reading and explore their imagination and their creativity. Great Job Ava!

  3. What a beautiful story of their love! Some couples are luck to find each other so young, while others have a longer wait. And when people are a couple, they either grow together or they grow apart.
